The nightmare that is applying for Legal Aid (neds are excluded).

Have you seen the form that needs to be completed to get legal aid? Fine if you are a ned on benefits, a few personal details and sign. You get free legal aid even if it is the 67th time you have been charged with a crime in your sorry life.

For the rest of us, you will be treated as if you are a criminal who is out to try and fleece the system. If you have a spouse, they will also be treated as they are trying to con the system for free legal aid.

It is the most intrusive form I have ever seen and it is sickening to think it is just the first step, for people who are already very stressed, as they try and get justice.

Applying for legal aid is very easy if you are on certain benefits. If you have income support, income-based jobseeker’s allowance or income-related employment and support allowance, you automatically qualify (unless you have more that around £13,000 of savings).

Otherwise, it is a nightmare. The Scottish Legal Aid Board (SLAB) provide a form to complete. This is the form that needs to be completed;

It includes demands such as;

Tell us about any other kind of income here, such as Bursaries or Education Maintenance Payments.

Tell us about any other money your partner receives, such as regular support from family members or a charity.

If you drive your own car to and from work, please provide a breakdown of costs for petrol, insurance, road tax and MOT

Do you or your partner own or part-own any property, land or timeshare other than the property you live in now

Have you or your partner transferred, sold or given any money, property or possessions to anybody, including any company or body, since you became aware these proceedings were likely to take place?

Have you or your partner bought anything costing more than £2,000, or paid out more than this for anything in the last 12 months?

Then there is a request to list “valuable items” worth more than £500 (excluding wedding and engagement rings) and there needs to be an attached valuation. Most people have a three-piece suit that cost way more than that. Valuations cost money, if you need to get someone in to say how much the old painting granny left you is worth.

I wonder where SLAB keep all the information provided? Three months’ worth of bank details, for every single account you have, along with all the other information is identity theft heaven. The level of detail being asked is intrusive beyond belief. I am sure it is designed with deterring people from applying for legal aid in mind, as much as it is trying to prevent claims where people are not entitled.

Everyone should be entitled to free legal aid once in their life, after that they can pay. At least that would help to make the system a bit fairer for low to middle income people.

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